You may be looking at this page because your child is already a member of the Air Cadets, or because they are interested in joining. Whatever the reason, you'll be pleased to know that the Air Cadets offers young people from all walks of life an adventure - the chance to get active, do and learn things not taught at school and make new friends in an inspirational and safe environment.
Membership of our organisation provides cadets with an invaluable set of skills, qualities and experiences that they can put to good use at university or in the career of their choosing. Some ex-cadets take up a career within the Services, but there is no requirement for them to join up after leaving us. Their personal development as confident and spirited young people is our main aim.
Under the guidance of our fully qualified volunteer staff we’ll offer your son or daughter many activities to take part in and every opportunity to build their strengths and improve their confidence. We hope that they stay with us for several years and thoroughly enjoy their membership - our volunteer staff are always on hand to assist parents with any questions or concerns.
Most of the kit that is required for Air Cadet activities is provided by us, including the blue uniform and flying clothing, which we provide free of charge. Uniform is normally issued a couple of months after joining. We do not supply footwear, so upon a uniform being issued we request that cadets wear a pair of smart, clean and polished black shoes. They are responsible for their uniform, which is issued on loan and must be returned when they leave us.
For some activities, the blue uniform is not practical to wear, so we give cadets the option to wear combat clothing with boots. We have a very limited supply of this and most cadets source their own set privately. For guidance on obtaining combat clothing please contact us.
All we ask is that you bring your child to our meetings and that they are collected promptly at the conclusion. You are encouraged to persuade them, where possible to partake fully in the activities, as the more effort that cadets put in the more reward they will receive. This includes parade evenings as well as weekend events and competitions.
The Ministry of Defence subsidises the Air Cadets, including buildings, uniforms, flying and many other activities. In order to maintain our building, pay bills and purchase equipment, we ask for a subscription payment that is currently £120 per year, payable as a one off or in instalments. It is essential that payment of this is made promptly upon request as we are also billed by our Headquarters for your child's membership. If the payment of subs is not forthcoming your child will not be selected for certain activities until it is addressed.
If your child decides they no longer wish to attend the Squadron, we must be informed immediately. Until we are notified their subs account will remain open and they will be expected to pay subs until we discharge them for non attendance.
If your child wishes to go on camp, you will receive a notice setting out the charges (which for a UK based week-long Annual Camp is around £50) in advance. Activities held overseas are more expensive but no activity offered by the ATC seeks to make profit.
The Squadron is actively supported by a Committee, which works similar to a PTA at a school. Broadly speaking they look after funding and welfare, but are also occasionally seen laying on cadet Christmas dinners or refreshments at events. The CWC is made up of parents or former cadets who wish to give something back. If you are interested in joining the committee then please contact us.
Parents rightly expect that when their children are doing cadet activities they will be safe. Rest assured we take this equally seriously. All of our activities are risk assessed so they can be delivered in the safest way possible. Even the more challenging activities will be delivered in a way to encourage every cadet to maximise their potential. Our long history is a testament to our expertise and care in this area so that we can provide the thrills of adventurous training under the guidance of experienced, trustworthy staff. The staff at your local squadron are always available to speak to and will put your mind at rest regarding any concerns you may have.
Our volunteers are the inspirational connection between the organisation and our cadets. We train and prepare our staff (many of whom have been air cadets themselves or have a Service background) to deal with the needs of young people and encourage their skills in all endeavours they undertake. Volunteer staff at all levels are strictly vetted to determine their suitability to work with young people through the Criminal Records Bureau and receive internal security checks, before they can take charge or responsible leadership of cadets.
All staff are trained in child protection procedures and we have our own specialist Child Protection Advisors who are available 24/7 in the event of a concern raised by any member of the organisation.
Volunteers are also fully trained and qualified in any activities that they are involved in, not least those taking part in adventurous pursuits who are also qualified first-aiders (essential first aid is also taught to cadets).
Rest assured - this is the way all squadrons operate - only with skilled, capable and responsible volunteers would we be able to maintain the high standards that our cadets experience and which helps push them to be higher achievers in everything they do with us - safely and confidently.
Being so closely associated with the Royal Air Force we have inherited a great deal of the military culture from it. We are a disciplined youth organisation, with a set structure, procedures and set of rules. Each cadet is bound by 'The Cadet Code of Conduct'.
When on duty with the ATC, cadets are subject to military rules. As well as general behaviour and deportment, cadets must present themselves properly and smartly, paying particular attention to dress regulations.
Once you have submitted a ‘Parents Consent to Entry’ form, your child will become a member of the Squadron. Their eligibility to take part in activities will then be determined by their age and status (for example cadets need to be 13 years and 3 months to go flying or gliding).
The ATC reserves the right to dismiss a cadet from the Corps, should their discipline or behaviour fall below an acceptable level. If a cadet does not attend for a two month period (without prior notification) they may also be dismissed. In these circumstances we would ensure that the parent is informed.